Fire Safety With Debris
4/5/2021 (Permalink)
Spring Time feelings are upon us! While we all work together to reduce social gatherings and travel during the pandemic, lots of families are taking advantage of the “at-home free time” by doing their Spring cleaning. If you are doing any deep spring cleaning, you may now be stocked with piles of items for donations or even piles of items to be disposed of.
The donation piles perhaps can wait out in your garage or shed. But, what do you do with the trash pile? If you are considering burning anything, you better play it safe and check with local authorities for any burn bans that might be in effect.
If you're given the go ahead, be sure you keep things safe! Keep burning piles far away from structures on your property. Also, be mindful of your distance from any forestry or public roads. Make sure that you're monitoring the flames well.
We want our friends and neighbors in our local communities to be safe this Spring!